Objectives: To determine short-term outcome of valve replacement (VR) using CardiaMed valve.
Patients & Methods: The study included 39 patients; 19 patients were assigned for aortic VR and 20 patients for mitral VR. All patients underwent clinical status rating using New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification and echocardiographic data collected preoperatively and at the end of follow-up. Operative and postoperative (PO) details and valve-related complications were defined. Thirty-days PO and late mortality were determined. Patients’ satisfaction with the surgical outcome was graded using a 5-point scoring system.
Results: Immediate PO complications included cardiac rhythm related complications in 11 patients, infectious complications in 9, high-serum creatinine in 3 and para-valvular leak (PVL) in 3 patients. Two patients developed endocarditis, but one patient deteriorated and died on the 18th PO day. Another patient developed massive gastric bleeding during the 5th PO month and died on the next day. At the end of 20 months follow-up, the frequency of patients among NYHA classes and its mean value were significantly improved compared to preoperative frequency. Patients had AVR showed significant improvement of estimated Echo parameters in comparison to preoperative data, while patients had MVR showed significantly improved pressure gradient, however, other parameters were non-significantly different. Twenty-five patients were satisfied, 11 patients found results are good and only 2 patients found the outcome poor with non-significant difference between patients had AVR and MVR.
Conclusion: Cardiamed prosthetic VR is safe and effective for functional and echocardiographic improvement and provided satisfactory short-term outcome.
Keywords: Cardiamed prosthetic valve, Valve replacement surgery, Functional outcome, Patients’ satisfaction.
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