
  • a synthetic, absorbable, self-adhesive surgical sealant film.
  • indicated to seal and reinforce against air leaks during surgical repair of the lungs in Thoracic Surgery.
  • usable in open and thoracoscopic procedures, for which a dedicated delivery and application system is available.
  • fully synthetic, containing no human, bovine or porcine material.
  • applied straight from the pack, requiring no advance preparation.
  • transparent, enabling the surgeon to visualise underlying tissue an effective therapeutic solution for only a tiny amount of foreign material.
  • available in a range of sizes and shapes and can be cut to shape to suit clinical requirements.

By helping surgeons to achieve an airtight closure TissuePatch helps in the avoidance of post-operative complications associated with leaks. This means it can contribute to shorter patient stays and reduced healthcare costs.

tissue patch

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